
snapatac2.read_dataset(filename, *, adata_files_update=None, mode='r+', backend=None)#

Read AnnDataSet object.

Read AnnDataSet from .h5ads file. If the file paths stored in AnnDataSet object are relative paths, it will look for component .h5ad files in .h5ads file’s parent directory.

  • filename (Path) – File name.

  • adata_files_update (Mapping[str, Path] | Path | None) – AnnDataSet internally stores links to component anndata files. You can find this information in .uns['AnnDataSet']. These links may be invalid if the anndata files are moved to a different location. This parameter provides a way to update the locations of component anndata files. The value of this parameter can be either a mapping from component anndata file names to their new locations, or a directory containing component anndata files.

  • mode (str) – “r”: Read-only mode; “r+”: can modify annotation file but not component anndata files.

  • backend (Literal['hdf5', 'zarr']) – Backend to use for reading the annotation file.

Return type:
