, min_log_fc=1, max_fdr=0.01, width=600, height=400, show=True, interactive=True, out_file=None)[source]#

Plot the motif enrichment result.

  • enrichment – Motif enrichment result.

  • min_log_fc – Retain motifs that satisfy: log2-fold-change >= min_log_fc.

  • max_fdr – Retain motifs that satisfy: FDR <= max_fdr.

  • width – The width of the plot.

  • height – The height of the plot.

  • interactive – Whether to make interactive plot.

  • out_file – Path of the output file for saving the output image, end with ‘.svg’ or ‘.pdf’ or ‘.png’ or ‘.html’.


If show=False and out_file=None, an plotly.graph_objects.Figure will be returned, which can then be further customized using the plotly API.

Return type

‘plotly.graph_objects.Figure’ | None