Tools: tl
Any transformation of the data matrix that is not preprocessing. In contrast to a preprocessing function, a tool usually adds an easily interpretable annotation to the data matrix, which can then be visualized with a corresponding plotting function.
Compute Laplacian Eigenmaps of chromatin accessibility profiles. |
Convert chromatin accessibility profiles of cells into lower dimensional representations. |
Cluster cells into subgroups [Traag18]. |
Cluster cells into subgroups using the K-means algorithm. |
Cluster cells into subgroups using the DBSCAN algorithm. |
Cluster cells into subgroups using the HDBSCAN algorithm. |
Differential analysis#
A quick-and-dirty way to get marker regions. |
Identify differentially accessible regions. |
Motif analysis#
Identify enriched transcription factor motifs. |
Network analysis (beta)#
Build CRE-gene network from gene annotations. |
Compute correlation scores for any two connected nodes in the network. |
Perform regression analysis for nodes and their parents in the network. |
Add TF motif binding information. |
Contruct a genetic network by linking TFs to target genes. |
Prune the network. |
Call peaks using MACS2. |
Aggregate values in adata.X in a row-wise fashion. |
Aggregate cells into pseudo-cells. |